Description of Product

A Finance Lease is a flexible way to obtain your new vehicle with little or no capital outlay. In a lease arrangement the financier owns the vehicle or equipment and agrees to lease the vehicle to you for a prescribed amount each month. At the end of the lease agreement you may, subject to our approval offer to purchase the vehicle for the residual amount. Finance Lease is for the business user.


• Terms range from 1 to 5 years
• Residuals are set according to the Australian Tax Office life and depreciation guidelines.
• Interest Rate is fixed for the term of the lease as are your rentals.


• Payments can be structured to suit your individual needs, with your budget and cash-flow taken into consideration.
• With fixed rentals you are protected against market fluctuations.
• By financing other costs and insurance you can preserve your cash for other purposes.
• Rentals are fully tax deductible, provided the vehicle is used to generate tax assessable income.

GST and Stamp duty

Finance lease rentals are subject to GST as is the Residual Value. Rentals are also subject to Stamp Duty and (if applicable) Financial Institutions Duty.